Our company manufactures and distributes a variety of chemical products such as ionic liquids, pyridine bases, pyrazines and amines.

Privacy Policy

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Koei Chemical Company, Limited (“the Company”) recognizes the importance of protecting Personal Information and considers the appropriate management of Personal Information an important social duty; therefore, the Company abides by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and regulations in order to fulfill said duty as well as has established the following Privacy Policy in accordance with its "Policy on the Protection of Personal Information" to endeavor to protect Personal Information.

Click here for "Privacy Policy (GDPR)"

Definition of Personal Information

"Personal Information" as defined in this Privacy Policy is information about living individuals, which contains the name, date of birth and/or other descriptions that could identify specific individuals (including those that can easily be collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual), or personal identification code (meaning a code that transforms physical characteristics, a purchase history of goods or the like that can identify the specific individual concerned).

Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

The Company acquires Personal Information by legitimate and appropriate means, and handles such Personal Information for the intended uses listed below. In addition to the following, if the intended use is specified for each service, Personal Information is acquired and used for that purpose. In the event Personal Information is acquired or used for any purpose other than these purposes, the Company notifies you and obtain your consent in advance, except as waived by applicable laws and regulations.

Purpose of Use 

  • Providing or improving products, services and related information of the Koei Chemical Group (the "Group")
  • Responding to inquiries and requests for information
  • Managing execution of transactions and contractual relationships by the Group
  • Conducting marketing surveys, data analysis and questionnaire surveys
  • Seeking, developing and industrializing technologies in connection with new business as well as carrying out research and development related thereto Managing and giving information to shareholders as required by the Companies Act and the like
  • Making arrangements for recruiting activities
  • Carrying out proper labor management of the officers and employees of the Company
  • Exercising legal rights and fulfilling obligations of the Company and the Group

Appropriate Handling of Personal Information

The Company keeps acquired Personal Information under close control and will not disclose nor provide the same to any third party unless permitted by laws and regulation or otherwise justifiable.

The Company may share acquired Personal Information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and company name) with each Koei Chemical Group company, its agents, business partners and business contractors under the Company's management responsibility for the purpose of giving appropriate response to inquiries, or using such information for the intended uses specified in advance; provided, however, that when disclosing such information to other third parties, the Company obtains your consent in advance, except as permitted by laws and regulations.

Safety Management of Personal Information

The Company takes necessary measures (including those listed below) to prevent divulgence or loss of, or damage to, Personal Information. In addition, the Company shall, in case of entrusting the handling of Personal Information, exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over an entrusted person so as to seek the safety management of the Personal Information.

(General Policy)

The Company has formulated this Privacy Policy in order to ensure proper handling of Personal Information, and to establish a point of contact for your inquiries and requests for disclosure, corrections and other requests related to Personal Information.

(Rules for the Handling of Personal Information)

The Company has established rules for handling Personal Information, including the manner in which it should be handled as well as the identification of individuals and roles responsible for oversight of Personal Information and their duties at each stage of information handling, including in relation to acquisition, use, preservation, provision and deletion.

(Organizational Security Management Measures)

Appointment of a “Personal Information Protection Supervisor”, who is responsible for Personal Information handling and management.

Identify those employees who can handle Personal Information and the scope of such handling.

Establish a reporting and communication system to inform and alert the department in charge of management of Personal Information, in the event that there is an incident related to protection of Personal Information (loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.) or likelihood of such an incident.

(Personnel Security Management Measures)

Establish and implement regulations in the work rules on confidentiality obligations, including protection of Personal Information.

(Physical Security Management Measures)

Take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing Personal Information in areas where Personal Information is handled.

Take measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that process or contain Personal Information.

Take measures to prevent Personal Information from being easily identified when carrying or moving equipment, electronic media, etc., which process Personal Information (including in respect of a physical relocation within the business office and facilities).


(Technical Security Management Measures)

Implement access control for Personal Information to limit rights holder access and define the scope of such access.

Introduce a mechanism to protect systems that handle Personal Information from unauthorized access from outside sources or unauthorized software.


(Understanding of Overseas Systems and Procedures)

Implement security control measures based on a full understanding of protection systems for Personal Information enforced in EU where Personal Information is stored.

Regarding Cookies

If you visit the Company's website repeatedly, you may be sent a data package called a cookie that will be stored in your computer’s hard drive and will distinguish you from other visitors to the website and provide you with a more convenient browsing experience. You can change your browser’s settings to accept or reject cookies, but this may interfere with the normal functioning of the website.

Some of our websites analyze information collected from your browsing history and use such information to guide you to products and services that you may be interested in based on such history.

Cautionary Note Regarding the Risk of Information Leakage
due to Characteristics of the Internet

Please be aware that because of characteristics of the internet, there is the risk of third parties intercepting information during the process of sending information by internet or email.

Collection of Access Information

The Company may collect such information as the IP address used by your computer or access status or access conditions to this and other websites. This information is used to prevent improper access, determine mechanical causes of server problems and restore service, ensure safe and smooth operation and maintenance of this website, and carry out other service improvements. This information is not used or disclosed in association with your Personal Information (except when analyzing browsing history information on some of Company’s websites).

Protection of Personal Information on Linked Sites

When following the links to other websites contained on this website, please check each of the linked site’s individual policies regarding their handling of Personal Information. The Company cannot be held responsible for the handling of Personal Information by businesses or individuals linked through this website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be subject to change in accordance with changes in pertinent laws and regulations.

Regarding Disclosure of and Desired Corrections to Personal

If you wish that your Personal Information be disclosed, corrected, added to or partially removed, no longer used, or deleted entirely, please contact the following.

Please contact us through the Contact link* if you have any questions or concerns about how your Personal Information is handled by the Company.


You can also contact the following should you have any inquiry concerning this Privacy Policy.

The contact information concerning the handling, disclosure, correction or the like of Personal Information by the Company:


Personal Information Protection Supervisor

General Affairs & Human Resource Office

Koei Chemical Co., Ltd.

TEL: 03-6837-9300

Basic Policy on the Protection of Individual Numbers and
Specific Personal Information

The Company has implemented the following Policy on the protection of Individual Numbers and the Specific Personal Information (collectively, the “Specific Personal Information”) and will handle the Specific Personal Information when engaging in processes that handle the same, pursuant to the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures.


  1. The Company appropriately processes Specific Personal Information within the scope of the Process Related to an Individual Number.
  2. The Company collects, uses, provides, stores, and disposes of Specific Personal Information in an appropriate manner, and formulates and abides by internal rules and regulations.
  3. The Company provides education, training and periodic audits in order to confirm compliance when handling Specific Personal Information.
  4. The Company complies with all laws, regulations, national guidelines and other policies concerning the handling of Specific Personal Information.
  5. The Company takes security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of Specific Personal Information. In addition, the Company will take immediate corrective measures if there is a leakage of such information.
  6. The Company responds appropriately and promptly to your complaints and inquiries about the Specific Personal Information. For inquiries, please use the contact information below.
  7. The Company will continuously review and update the systems for management of the Specific Personal Information.

Contact for Protection of Specific Personal Information

General Affairs & Human Resource Office

Koei Chemical Co., Ltd.

TEL: 0438-63-5511

Copyright(C) KOEI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. All rights reserved.