Our company manufactures and distributes a variety of chemical products such as ionic liquids, pyridine bases, pyrazines and amines.


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Basic policy on corporate governance

 In the expectation of fair corporate activities, Koei positions compliance as a critical core of management. In
terms of our business management system, we have established the Board of Directors and the Audit &
Supervisory Committee, as well as the Management Committee, Internal Control Committee, and other
necessary committees, which are intended to supplement and reinforce the function of the Board of Directors.
Our businesses are being operated under the supervision of these organizations. We also endeavor to enhance
corporate value through efficient management in pursuit of the best possible corporate governance, and
continue to engage in measures to strengthen and enhance corporate governance in line with the following

  •  In addition to respecting the rights of shareholders, we will strive to establish an environment that will realize
    the smooth exercise by shareholders of those rights and to ensure substantive equality of shareholders.
  •  We recognize that working together with our many different stakeholders, including employees, customers,
    business partners, creditors, and local communities, is essential to the sustainable growth of the company,
    and, in addition to actively fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities, we will strive to foster a corporate
    culture that will be trusted by society.
  •  As part of our establishment of platforms for constructive dialogue with our stakeholders, we will indicate
    highly reliable and appropriate management policies and business strategies that are based on changing
    social and economic circumstances. The Board of Directors will also execute its roles and missions
    appropriately, including conducting highly effective supervision of the execution of operations.
  •  We will strive for constructive dialogue with stakeholders, with whom we share a recognition of the
    company’s sustainable growth and the mid-to-long-term enhancement of corporate value.

Initiatives for Strengthening Corporate


  • Nomination Committee/Compensation Committee


  • Introduced an effectiveness evaluation of the Board
    of Directors.
  • Transformed the structure into a company with an
    Audit and Supervisory Committee.


  • First female director appointed.
  • Established an Outside Directors Meeting system.


  • Number of Directors/Audit and Supervisory
    Committee Members is increased from three to four.


  • Introduced an Executive Officer structure, making
    1/3 of Board consisting of the Independent and
    Outside Directors.

Future Initiatives

  • Abide by the new Corporate Governance Code (CGC)
  • Improve the governance structure and relevant rules.
  • Reorganization and enhancement of various internal

Corporate Governance Structure

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